Friday 19 March 2010

The Road To Serfdom

The Institute of Economic Affairs has waded into the Policy Exchange debate with this article by their Director General, Mark Littlewood.

"If I drop dead in my mid 40s from lung cancer, I have – I’m told – let the side down. I should have been economically productive for another couple of decades, for the sake of the nation’s GDP. The authors do not seem to realise that people get paid to work. They benefit from their own productivity. Their productivity is not a social benefit – except very marginally – from which society as a whole gains."
Do read the whole thing as it's more evidence that the centre right have declared a 'nutter alert' and are distancing themselves from Henry Feathers' lunacy at Usain Bolt speed.

Looks like you're on your own, Henry.


Angry Exile said...

"'s more evidence that the centre right have declared a 'nutter alert' and are distancing themselves from Henry Feathers' lunacy at Usain Bolt speed."

Unfortunately that still doesn't say much for the judgement for cosying up to the bastard in the first place.

Mr A said...

Or of how much attention Call Me will pay to them behind the scenes. They've been described as his favourite Think Tank on several occassions, and as they are 1) Clearly funded by Big Pharma, and 2) Utterly barking, that doesn't bode well for the future, regardless of who wins the election.